Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The World Capitalist System re-defined!

Many of us who live in any of the (mainly Western) worlds capitalist countries, tend to take for granted the way the capitalist system works, by using capital to define the distribution / re-distribution of wealth. But what about the new wave of Web structures that threaten do undermine the whole capitalist system by wiping out whole profit areas for not just a lot of business, but also many global corporate monoliths that depend on these areas for their very surivival. Some examples include the areas of Music distribution, Finanical informaton (which had previously been sold at a premium, instead of the click of a mouse), the distribution of FREE software and interenet utilities that had previously cost an absolute fortune, and much of it only in the hands of those rich oligarchs. Well, welcome to the new world of post - capitalism. I'd like to call it the world of webitalism. But hey, doesnt all this free stuff, seriously undermine and damage the very fabric of the capitalist system. Yes it does, if you live in that world of "old" capitalism. However in the new world of webitalism, the image of the new world is VERY different indeed!!..  Read on .. and find out more!!  .....

...  to be continued

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