Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Are the Worlds banks quietly, or secretly acquiring all of the worlds real tangible assets?

Here's the game: The banks are able to issue money from nothing, but they decide not to for the large part, as they need to covertly "asset strip" the public, using the money system as a smoke screen for doing so.  How does this work?: The recent example of the run on the banks in 2007 is a good example:  So they loan millions of people money to purchase a home (a mortgage), even though the people borrowing the money most likely have no chance of ever paying that loan off (and if so, all the better for the banks!!). In fact, this is what happened, simply because they loaned to people who didn't even have fulltime jobs, or were even unemployed, so foreclosure was inevitable.

OK, so now we have a situation where a large number foreclose, which means that banks don't get the expected income they would have had, had those people been in a position to pay off their mortgages in the normally way. Hence why there's a run on the banks, as they basically run out of money because of this income shortage. OK, that may sound a bit disastrous for the banks, but wait: The banks are now bailed out by their central banks, that essentially issue money (from nothing!), and recapitalize the banks with liquidity. (ok, Banks may have to undergo an amended financial structure / new owners etc. in order to do so, be taken over etc.. but lets not go into that here, as they are still linked to the issuers of money, at whatever level it comes from).  Meanwhile those same banks are now the proud owners of most of those foreclosed mortgage properties, so in terms of Assets, that banks are looking pretty good :).

Hence, if we continue this, what I call "cycle of stupidity", the banks gradually take over most of the worlds REAL tangible assets (mainly property), while the liquidity can get topped up at any time simply by issuing money, as the banks currently do (from absolutely nothing!), and society doesn't seem to care that the the public are having their assets effectively "stolen" because of a money system that is corrupt and poorly thought out.

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