Thursday, 20 February 2014

Ireland - An attractive location for my holiday / vacation this summer? (Summer 2014)

With all of the horrendous weather we have had this winter in Ireland (and the UK in general), it would not be surprising if it was followed by a glorious summer. And whenever this happens, there's no better place to be than on your hols in the many beautiful places that are worth exploring, especially in Ireland where there should be the additional advantage of being able to do it on a budget as well!.. From the ring of Kerry to the Glens of Antrim, there's so much beauty and so many places to chill the list is just huge.

However, during the Celtic tiger period in particular, Ireland was viewed as an expensive place to visit, whereas now, with so many businesses just happy to stay afloat, there must also be a huge attraction with the low cost of holidaying around such beauty.  The Irish governments policy of applying a 9% vat rate on most things holiday related should also help in keeping the costs down. In addition the Euro has been quite weak, and is not expected to gain much over the summer, with most Euro nations struggling to maintain their economies.  So it all makes perfect to organize your holiday to Ireland this summer!..

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