Friday, 21 February 2014

The logic of the current Global Money system just doesn't add up!!

If we take all of the worlds companies, all of the worlds resources, and put them together as World Inc. (One humongous Company that comprises the world, and owns all of the Companies currently trading, as well as all of the worlds liabilities, including all of the healthcare, unemployment, poverty, global disasters etc.. ). I'm sure the business of World Inc. would be running at a huge loss. Hence if you then amalgamate all of the current worlds currencies into one Global currency and do the sums, some "entity" is making a lot of money out of World Inc. loaning them money, for which they will never be able to pay back!!!..

It appears that the worlds current money system is totally skewed, and setup in faviour of a small minority of source providers of money to the world where they are slowly paralyzing all of the world economies for their own gain. No rocket science required here,.. all we need to do, is to adopt a new system developed using a modern scientific like approach, that actually works to the benefit of the whole of mankind!. So ok apes, you can stop laughing now!!!

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