Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Totally Automated Banks: BANKS WITHOUT EMPLOYEES? (from ATM's to ABM's)

Because the vast amount of money in society is now digital money (digital transactions mainly using cards and online payments), banks no longer need any employees to handle monetary transactions at all.  Plus, even for the transactions that are required to deal with cash, machines can be used to convert them into digital transactions, and (if necessary) output them as cash the other end of the transaction. So there you have it, a COMPLETELY AUTOMATED system, and YES you read that right, NO BANK STAFF REQUIRED WHATSOEVER to carry out daily monetary transactions in the future. To think that when I was a young adult my Mum kept telling me that a bank job was a safe long-term stable job that would see me into my retirement -bless her!

So OK, they need bank staff, to persuade customers to bank with them?. And of course, how else could they justify their (often exorbitant) bank charges. But this article is about the DIRECT activities of banking, so anyone interested in opening a new bank with zero employees please feel free to contact me :).  So now we've moved on from ATM's (Automated Teller Machines), to  ABM's (Automated Banking Machines)

Monday, 29 September 2014

Understanding the real sources of equity investment for a "Nation"

Is "investing in a country" or "lending to a country" the only way a country can get equity, as opposed to the country issuing it's own money?, and if so, where to the investors or lenders get their funds source (other than what they have in reserve)?. Doesn't anyone understand that we are all being hoodwinked, or am I missing something?

Friday, 26 September 2014

Issuance of money versus Asset management issues and the creation of value

If I have the power to issue money, and I issue (say) €200K, and use those issued funds to build a house worth €200K, then I have created 200K worth of assets for the benefit of society , out of NOTHING -i.e. The money was just issued (from NOTHING). So how can the issuance of money cause inflation, which is traditional economic thinking?, as long as (of course) the money is issued to create value to society!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Achieving social balance is the key to maintaining a just and stable society

Many people believe we are heading for a society where the rich few will dominate a huge number of poverty stricken people, as this has already been happening, particularly over the last century, and has been exacerbated by the 2 world wars. However, contrary to the common view, this cannot go on, because nature requires balance in order to survive, and as this continues it will reach the point of imbalance where it collapses, possibly with catastrophic consequences, I say "possibly" because, once a trend is recognized, disaster can be averted by taking action to restore balance, and thereby avert any such dangers. Hence lets build a better planet, not by arguing with the ignorant, but by embracing those with radical ideas for seeking improvement, not for themselves, but for society as a whole, and helping them, supporting them and working with them in order to make it happen. That way we will all enjoy a better, more harmonious, peaceful, and most importantly stable and balanced world well into the future. This will not happen without it's challenges, and in particular the complacency that develops for those in cosy positions that seem to become more oblivious of what's going on in the world around them. Help them get in touch with what's going on in the real world outside their cocoons and they may begin to understand.

With the recent advent of pervasive IT/Internet, we now have the realisation of the "big brother" concept that had been feared by many before we got here, but they hadn't (at the time) thought of the power that enables the smaller communities "little brother" groups that are the ultimate force for good, and can contribute, and help create the conditions for us to move forward in achieving this balance we are seeking.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Is Google Street View really covering all public areas with openness?

I'm a real fan of Google street view to find ones way around an area before they go driving there. It's great to feel that you know your way around having never even been there before. And what's more it's an excellent educational tool at showing various people round the world what Cities/Towns/Countryside looks like in far away lands and familiarising one with other countries that they may contemplate visiting etc..

However, one notable absence in many of my random search endeavors is how a chunk of public space becomes inaccessible to the viewer. I thought at first that this was some kind of accident, i.e The google video footage got corrupted, or the photographer switched off his camera momentarily as they passed a specific area. But, upon further research it appears to me like many of these omissions are entirely deliberate. In fact so much so, I have reached the conclusion that certain parties may not want their building to be shown on Google maps, and have exerted their financial muscle with Google to make sure that this happened. Hence, I've decided to document all of the areas where I notice this "aberration" happen and ask you the reader to share any you find, so we can create a global list of areas around the world "not shown" on Google maps for whatever reason (that can be investigated later). So here goes, here are the first ones I've come up with:


  • Woodside Park Tube Station on the Northern Line (and surrounding areas)  -Can't even get as far as Holden Ave, which is a distance from the Station. Only notable landmarks in the forbidden area are a Jewish Synagogue, a Nursery and a School.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Are the Worlds banks quietly, or secretly acquiring all of the worlds real tangible assets?

Here's the game: The banks are able to issue money from nothing, but they decide not to for the large part, as they need to covertly "asset strip" the public, using the money system as a smoke screen for doing so.  How does this work?: The recent example of the run on the banks in 2007 is a good example:  So they loan millions of people money to purchase a home (a mortgage), even though the people borrowing the money most likely have no chance of ever paying that loan off (and if so, all the better for the banks!!). In fact, this is what happened, simply because they loaned to people who didn't even have fulltime jobs, or were even unemployed, so foreclosure was inevitable.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Was Marx's version of Communism a plot on society, so that its lack of credibility could somehow validate Capitalism?

Marx believed that the government would have to control all means of production so that no one could outdo anyone else by making more money. Unfortunately, that proves to this day to be more difficult than he might have realized.  - That's because the notion of "money" itself was the root issue to the solutions he was proposing!!.. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

The logic of the current Global Money system just doesn't add up!!

If we take all of the worlds companies, all of the worlds resources, and put them together as World Inc. (One humongous Company that comprises the world, and owns all of the Companies currently trading, as well as all of the worlds liabilities, including all of the healthcare, unemployment, poverty, global disasters etc.. ). I'm sure the business of World Inc. would be running at a huge loss. Hence if you then amalgamate all of the current worlds currencies into one Global currency and do the sums, some "entity" is making a lot of money out of World Inc. loaning them money, for which they will never be able to pay back!!!..

It appears that the worlds current money system is totally skewed, and setup in faviour of a small minority of source providers of money to the world where they are slowly paralyzing all of the world economies for their own gain. No rocket science required here,.. all we need to do, is to adopt a new system developed using a modern scientific like approach, that actually works to the benefit of the whole of mankind!. So ok apes, you can stop laughing now!!!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Ireland - An attractive location for my holiday / vacation this summer? (Summer 2014)

With all of the horrendous weather we have had this winter in Ireland (and the UK in general), it would not be surprising if it was followed by a glorious summer. And whenever this happens, there's no better place to be than on your hols in the many beautiful places that are worth exploring, especially in Ireland where there should be the additional advantage of being able to do it on a budget as well!.. From the ring of Kerry to the Glens of Antrim, there's so much beauty and so many places to chill the list is just huge.

However, during the Celtic tiger period in particular, Ireland was viewed as an expensive place to visit, whereas now, with so many businesses just happy to stay afloat, there must also be a huge attraction with the low cost of holidaying around such beauty.  The Irish governments policy of applying a 9% vat rate on most things holiday related should also help in keeping the costs down. In addition the Euro has been quite weak, and is not expected to gain much over the summer, with most Euro nations struggling to maintain their economies.  So it all makes perfect to organize your holiday to Ireland this summer!..